Highlight words in the text to see the related marks highlighted in the
chart. If no reference contains the highlighted text, no mark will be
highlighted. Otherwise, your highlight will be shown in yellow, and the
underlying references will be underlined in a dashed red line.
The sidebar contains the following options:
- Paragraph-chart pair:
Select a pair to choose a paragraph-chart pair used in the study. The
numbers correspond to the columns of Figure 7 of the paper.
- Reference set:
The set of references to use in the application. output
is the set of clustered and merged references. gold is the
gold standard set. The worker references are split between
those who passed and those who failed the gold.
- Highlight style:
Switch between highlighting phrases or sentences. Phrase uses
your highlighted words. Sentence expands your highlight to the
sentences that contain your highlight.
- Highlight strategy:
The method that the application uses to determine which bars to highlight
based on your selection. In the Lenient strategy, the application
highlights every reference that contains part of your highlighted text.
In the Hybrid strategy, the application highlights references that only
contain all of the highlighted text. If no such references are found, it falls
back to the lenient strategy.
- References:
A list of the phrases of the references in the current reference set. Click on
a reference to highlight the phrases and tuples in that reference. References
selected through highlighting will also be highlighted in this list.